Thursday, April 30, 2009


Please, please pray for God to guide President Obama as he selects a candidate to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter. And please pray that God touches this individual profoundly, and guides their every decision.

How important is one supreme court justice?
The lives of one million unborn children per year hang in the balance of this decision.

President Obama's decidedly liberal personal stance is no guarantee that the justice he apppoints will vote in a liberal manner.

Souter himself is a perfect example.

Souter was a Republican appointed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, largely on the recommendation of New Hampshire's former Gov. John Sununu, who had become the first President Bush's chief of staff.
But Souter surprised Bush and other Republicans by joining the court's more liberal wing.

He generally votes with Stevens and the two justices who were appointed by President Bill Clinton — making up the bloc of four more liberal members of the court, a group that has usually been in the minority throughout Souter's tenure.
Please forward this request to prayer warriors everywhere.
Thank you and God Bless.

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