Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No Shame at Notre Dame, Part II

Nearly seventy bishops have now have publicly expressed disapproval for Notre Dame University's decision to invite unapologetically pro-abortion President Barack Obama to deliver their upcoming commencement address. For the full list, click here.

Father John Jenkins, Notre Dame University President and Inviter-in Chief of President Obama is apparently unperturbed by the prolific and profound admonitions from the bishops, as evidenced by his comment yesterday that "(Notre Dame is)..proud and honored to welcome (Obama)...This is a tremendous event for us. We're tremendously proud."

Jenkins continued "I think it's unfortunate that the great event of President Obama coming to this campus has been a little clouded by that controversy... but we believe what we believe, and we're clear on that, but at the same time, we recognize this remarkable leader and this remarkable person who has accomplished so much."

Accomplishments? Let me list them for you in case you missed them.

  1. Gave the Queen of England an Ipod

  2. Befriended Hugo Chavez

  3. Rescinded the Mexico City policy on his second day in office

  4. Lifted the ban on fetal stem cell research

  5. Fired the Chairman of GM

  6. Spent more money in two weeks than we can ever hope to repay

Jenkins gushed "He will speak to our graduates in such a powerful way. He's one of our great orators of our time, and we're just so proud to have him."

Speech was my college major. Do you know who else was often referred to as one of the greatest orators of all time?

Adolf Hitler.

He didn't value life either.

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